Earlier we looked at the Logitech M720 mouse on it's own, and there were lots of good notes about it's design. In this article we are going to be looking at the MK850 which comes bundled with the M720 mouse and a K850 Keyboard. Taking two products and calling them combo alone is not enough, they need to work as a team, complementing each other. We shall be exploring how successful this combo really is. So earlier when we looked at the M720 mouse, I covered a lot of topics I’ll not repeat those in this article but I’ll summarize, for details by all means check out the video above. My words at the time was that things have been simplified. And I mean that in a good way, simplification is not easily achieved. So after using the mouse for about a year what are my thoughts, well, I have customized the mouse in the following way, scroll wheel tilt left for copy and right for paste. The two thumb buttons for volume up and down and the bottom thumb button for alt tab. These are some of